Your support unlocks Africa’s abundant resources for her most vulnerable people.


Vi vet det er viktig for deg at din gave blir forvaltet på en effektiv måte. Det er viktig for oss også.

Vår nesten 40 års erfaring og nyskapende tenkning gjorde at vi kunne tilpasse oss de enorme utfordringene Covid-19-pandemien medførte i 2020, og resulterte i at vi fikk hjelpe det høyeste antallet mennesker – i underkant av fire millioner – i organisasjonens historie. Vi solgte ting som lå utenfor vårt kjerneområde, opparbeidet en større buffer og reduserte risikoen vår, noe som gjorde at vi kunne nyte et av våre beste regnskapsår hittil og utvide tjenestene våre.

Økonomiske rapporter

Vi arbeider hardt for å oppnå de høyeste karakterene for pålitelighet og gjennomsiktighet.

As Africa’s largest indigenous non-governmental organisation, we know the challenges we must overcome across the continent, and how best to work to ensure an Africa that thrives.

In 2021, while Covid-19 was still raging across the world, we had a positive impact on the lives of 2.9-million people in Angola, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, South Africa and Uganda.

To do this work we need your donations. You can rest assured that every donation received, small or large, is celebrated and carefully managed. Each year we account to our cherished donors in our annual report. And now we present to you our 2021 report.

Considering the tumultuous year that was 2020, reflecting on what we overcame, achieved and delivered, fills us with a great sense of inspiration and hope.

Our teams are the hands and feet touching the lives of more than 1.2 million beneficiaries daily in communities across Africa. JAM currently employs 455 staff members and thousands of volunteers from around the world and within the countries where we serve.

More than 1 million beneficiaries! From humble beginnings, we have grown from just a handful of dedicated volunteers to a committed workforce of more than 455 across the globe.

In the first quarter of 2017 the Angolan story was grim as the experience of the El Nino drought
had affected an estimated 1,42 million people including 756 000 children (UNICEF, 2017) after
poor rains in the previous year.

Aware of the increasing needs in South Sudan, we continued to pursue opportunities to assist more and more people, with an increased focus on partnerships throughout 2016. Our programme in South Africa grew significantly, reaching close to 100 000 children cared for. The highlight of the year was to see the crop of maize covering the entire farmlands at Pambara in Mozambique, a dream come true. Also to see the small commercial farms being developed for local Mozambique farmers, with full irrigation. This really is Africa’s tomorrow developing today.

We want to continue to reach more and more hungry children with food and the opportunity for an education. We want to continue to expand all of our programmes so that we can see Africa uplifted. We remain passionate about agricultural development, providing access to clean water, safe water and providing opportunities to women.

Et blikk på 2020

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